
Driven Heavy Wall Steel Tubular Piles

We use heavy wall steel tubular piles to allow us to provide a stable foundation where ground conditions dictate, or where other pile types would be unsuitable.

These steel tubular piles are a byproduct of the oil and gas industry, recycling the casing used for oil drilling. This allows us to utilise a material which is to a higher specification than required under British Standards & Eurocodes. It also allows us to reduce our carbon footprint in the process.

We typically use heavy wall steel tubular piles for foundations to residential, commercial and industrial units.

Driven piles are particularly cost effective in contaminated ground conditions since they displace the contaminated ground rather than extracting it to the surface, and thus disposal costs of contaminated spoil are minimised. They are also ideally suited to ground conditions with sands and gravels, boulders or bedrock.

Driven Precast Concrete Piles

Precast concrete piles allow us to provide a stable foundation where ground conditions dictate, or where other pile types would be unsuitable.

These precast concrete piles are manufactured under strict quality assurance conditions, to ensure that they maintain the high compressive strengths required of them after curing.

We typically use precast concrete piles for foundations to residential, commercial and industrial units.

Driven piles are particularly cost effective in contaminated ground conditions since they displace the contaminated ground rather than extracting it to the surface, and thus disposal costs of contaminated spoil are minimised. They are also ideally suited to clays and cohesive soils as they rely on skin friction to generate a large proportion of the load-bearing capacity.

Restricted Access Piling

We have a range of plant for restricted access piling. Whether that is the last plot on site with limited room for maneuvering, or inside a warehouse unit, we have the capability to install piles wherever they are needed.

Our TH1500 restricted access piling rig features a removable diesel engine, that can be swapped for a 3-phase power pack if required. This allows it to work inside existing buildings without emitting emisions, and reducing the working noise.

The TH1500 also features a 1.5T ram weight, which can install to achieve high pile loads despite the small rig size.


Where the access to sites means even our TH1500 cannot fit, we can utilise either 'grundomat' bottom driven piling, which can be installed almost anywhere, or a Super Kitten Drilling Rig, where drilled piles are required. The Super Kitten can even fit through a standard doorway!

The drawback for these mini-piles is the reduced load-bearing capacity in comparison to typical heavy wall top driven piles, as the mini-piles are typically limited to 100kN. For comparison, our top driven heavy wall steel piles which can achieve working loads in excess of 350kN.

Pile Testing

We undertake pile testing on all sites where we install driven piles.

The testing is performed by an independant testing company, so you can be sure that the results are reliable, and our pile loads are independently verified.

Testing is undertaken in the form of dynamic pile testing, where the engineer sets up strain transducers, and accelerometers along the length of the pile. The test is performed under 're-strike',which means that after piling has completed, and a set has been achieved, the pile is struck with the piling rig. The pile driving analyzer, used to record the data, allows the testing engineer to record; Hammer & Driving System Performance, Pile Driving Stresses, Settlement, and the Ultimate Load on the Pile.

We can also provide other pile validation and testing options, should they be specifically required for your scheme, e.g. static load testing.