Additional Services

Setting Out

Our engineers can undertake any setting out that is required for our piling, beams or retaining walls.

THis service is normally included within our costs on any tenders which we produce.

If you would like us to, we can also establish site control, and we can return to site after our works for brickwork corners or other setting out for successive trades.

Mine Shaft Caps

We have a lot of experience in forming mine shaft caps following on from grouting works.

We can even provide plot foundations on top of the mineshaft cap, where necessary to prevent space being lost on site and allow plots to be constructed on all areas of a site.

Substation Bases

We have provided foundations for many substation bases, included piled and traditionally founded.



We have provided bases and foundations for many other projects, including; CHP unit bases, reinforced concrete balconies and wind turbine bases.

Get in touch to find out if we can help with your next project.